The next tax sale is scheduled for February 24 - 27, 2025.
The auction website will post the list of properties and begin accepting deposits on January 27, 2025. We will send email notifications to all registered users as soon as it is posted. Registration is open year round, and is free.
Maintenance Notice: DeedAuction will undergo scheduled maintenance beginning Thursday, January 23 at 6:00pm PT. The maintenance period is expected to last approximately one hour, and DeedAuction will not be accessible during that time.
DISCLAIMER: This parcel includes a house that partially overlaps the property to the north, APN 020-0072-029-0000, which is NOT on the tax sale list. Parcel 020-0072-029-0000 includes a shed that partially rests on APN 020-0072-016-0000. Both parcels currently have the same owner and feature a shared driveway. If purchased at tax sale, the sale is binding on the purchaser and will not be overturned by the County. Should you purchase APN 020-0072-016, any issues that arise between the purchaser and current owner of APNs 020-0072-016-0000 and 020-0072-029-0000 are a civil matter between the property owners. The County is not responsible for any costs, fees or compensatory damages which may be associated with resolving such issues. All general terms, conditions, and disclaimers still apply.